Map & Directions

The mailing address for Lake Wildwood Baptist Church is 701 Greentree Pkwy, Macon, GA 31220. However, you’ll need a bit more info than this to physically get to us!

Lake Wildwood Baptist Church is located within a gated community. Access is easy if you just follow a few easy steps. The two keys to remember is you 1) need to go to the gate located on Zebulon Road in Macon, and you 2) simply tell the nice man or woman working at the entrance to the gate you are “going to the church.” Click here to jump to our detailed map.

Note on GPS Devices & Online Directions

Be sure to use “Lake Wildwood Dr, Macon GA” in your search. That will take you to the gate on Zebulon Road. If you type in our physical address (701 Greentree Pkwy), you likely will be taken to a different (and wrong) gate.

Heading East on Zebulon
  • Turn RIGHT onto Lake Wildwood Drive.
  • Tell security at the gate you are “going to the church.”
  • Go straight and at the first STOP sign, take LEFT onto Greentree Pkwy.
  • Keep going straight, following the curve, and the church will be on your LEFT.
Heading West on Zebulon
  • Turn LEFT onto Lake Wildwood Drive.
  • Tell security at the gate you are “going to the church.”
  • Go straight and at the first STOP sign, take LEFT onto Greentree Pkwy.
  • Keep going straight, following the curve, and the church will be on your LEFT.
I-475 North Directions
  • Take Exit 9 for Zebulon Road.
  • Turn LEFT onto Zebulon Road.
  • Turn LEFT onto Lake Wildwood Drive.
  • Tell security at the gate you are “going to the church.”
  • Go straight and at the first STOP sign, take LEFT onto Greentree Pkwy.
  • Keep going straight, following the curve, and the church will be on your LEFT.
I-475 South Directions
  • Take Exit 9 for Zebulon Road.
  • Turn RIGHT onto Zebulon Road.
  • Turn LEFT onto Lake Wildwood Drive.
  • Tell security at the gate you are “going to the church.”
  • Go straight and at the first STOP sign, take LEFT onto Greentree Pkwy.
  • Keep going straight, following the curve, and the church will be on your LEFT.

Map for Lake Wildwood Baptist Church

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