Catechism Question 11: What Does God Require in the Sixth, Seventh, and Eight Commandments?
In his sermon on Catechism question #11, Pastor Paul continues his breakdown of the Ten Commandments.
In his sermon on Catechism question #11, Pastor Paul continues his breakdown of the Ten Commandments.
In his sermon on Catechism question #9, Pastor Paul looks at how God requires we know Him as the one true God, that we avoid all idolatry, and that we treat His name with fear and reverence.
In his sermon on Catechism question #7, Pastor Paul looks at how the law requires we love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength.
In his sermon on Catechism question #6, Pastor Paul looks at we can glorify God by loving Him and obeying His commandments and law.
In his sermon on Catechism question #5, Pastor Paul looks at how God created all things and how all His creations were very good.
In his sermon on Catechism question #4, guest speaker Nick Brown looks at how God created us male and female in His own image.
In his sermon “The Case for Life”, guest speaker Jay Watts tackles the topic of abortion.