Why are we here?
http://lakewildwoodbaptist.com/sermons/10132013_Why-Are-We-Here.mp3In his sermon “Why are we here?”, Pastor Paul looks at Matthew 28:18-20. (Image credit Logan Christian Church)
http://lakewildwoodbaptist.com/sermons/10132013_Why-Are-We-Here.mp3In his sermon “Why are we here?”, Pastor Paul looks at Matthew 28:18-20. (Image credit Logan Christian Church)
God calls the Church “The Bride of Christ.” Looking at Luke 22:19-20 on Communion Sunday, Pastor Paul wonders if we realize how loved we really are.
There is a delay in getting the sermon for this past Sunday (September 29, 2013) online.
Day of Hope 2013 is fast approaching and so is the deadline for you to contribute! The fun begins at 5:00 pm (for registration) at the Hephzibah Children’s Home on Saturday, September 21, 2013.
The new website for Lake Wildwood Baptist Church is now live. Read on to learn more about how it all came to be.
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